Sign Up to Save Lives

Sign Up to Save Lives

National CMV recently teamed up with GSW, an award-winning, full-service healthcare communications agency, to create a compelling public health campaign and bring some of our recent advocacy work to life.

In early April, we nominated congenital cytomegalovirus (CMV) for inclusion on the Recommended Uniform Screening Panel (RUSP), a list of 61 conditions the Secretary of Health & Human Services recommends states include in newborn screening panels.

Through a happenstance encounter at one of National CMV's fundraising events in NYC this past November, a team member from GSW grew interested in our mission and agreed to help raise awareness of this common, serious, and preventable virus, through the development of visually stunning ads paired with strong calls to action as GSW's latest Passion Project.

In this particular campaign, GSW had learned about our recent advocacy work in applying to the Advisory Committee on Heritable Disorders for Newborns and Children for inclusion on the RUSP, and pitched an idea centered around #SCREEN4CMV, calling for the general public to PLEDGE and sign our petition for consideration.

“With so much at stake,” Nick Capanear, EVP, Executive Creative Director, GSW NY explains, “CMV has flown under the radar for too long. The CMV Foundation needed a way to grab a national spotlight and push the envelope on a long-overlooked crisis. And we are excited to be able to help."

Learn more about the thinking behind the creative, and why both National CMV and GSW are extremely proud of the work here.

If you haven't already, please make the PLEDGE and share our petition today!