October 2019

Advocating for CMV Newborn Screening Without Legislation

Author: Maggie Kettler, AuD CMV newborn screening has increased tremendously in the past decade, with many states implementing the screening through legislative efforts. However, CMV screening legislation is not a realistic avenue in all states. In this blog post, we hear from Maggie Kettler, AuD, who has helped to lead successful efforts to increase CMV newborn screening in her home state of Ohio. In this post she discusses successes, challenges, and advice she has for advocates in other states. 

Compete 4 CMV Spotlight: Matt Rowe

Meet Matt Rowe. Dad to CMV kiddo, Nadia, accomplished runner, and soon-to-be 7-time marathoner! We're proud he's racing for #CMVawareness at the NYC Marathon on 11/3!

Lurie Children's Hospital: Improving Awareness and the Timely Diagnosis of cCMV in Illinois

Our goal is to be able to provide a rapid diagnosis for those newborns who fail their hearing screens in the newborn nursery, when the hearing loss is attributable to infection with CMV during pregnancy.  Recent research has revealed treatment options for those newborns found to have hearing loss from congenital CMV, to optimize hearing outcomes and neurodevelopment.