Compete 4 CMV Spotlight: Matt Rowe
Do you have a personal connection to the National CMV Foundation?
The National CMV Foundation became a resource for me and my wife when our daughter, Nadia, was born in 2018 with congenital CMV. We used the information as a resource to learn about the virus and treatment options.
How did you learn about National CMV Foundation?
We found National CMV Foundation by searching for information on CMV online, which pointed us towards the website.
What motivated you to sign up as a Compete 4 CMV runner?
I have been a competitive runner my entire life, running in high school, college, and post-college. After my daughter was born, I wanted to find a way to get involved in the CMV community and this was a natural fit for me!
How would you describe your running style?
I am kind of old school in my running, meaning I run high mileage and tough workouts. I try to get in 65-75 miles a week and still enjoy racing every distance possible. I like the competition that a road race offers.
Have you run a marathon before?
NYC will be my 7
th marathon. I have previously completed the Chicago Marathon twice, Grandma’s Marathon in Minnesota, Rocket City in Huntsville, Derby Marathon in Louisville, and the Illinois Marathon.
What’s your favorite marathon memory to date?
The excitement of the crowds in the Chicago Marathon was something I’ll always remember, but my favorite marathon to date has been Grandma’s Marathon. Duluth is a beautiful city and I was able to run my best time there, so it kinda holds a special place for me!
Do you run with music or without? If with, what artist or song is a must have on your marathon playlist?
Most of the time I run without music, unless I am going for an easy run. I usually try to have the Red Hot Chili Peppers or Blink 182 on the playlist somewhere.
What are you most excited about when it comes to the NYC Marathon?
I am excited to run thru all the boroughs and see so many iconic sites. I am also looking forward to finishing in Central Park. Just the entire process of the NYC marathon excites somebody that has grown up in Kentucky!
What are your fundraising tactics?
To date, my main fundraising tactic has been social media connections. We have also done a local exercise class at Pure Barre and have two big high school athletic fundraisers. We have been very fortunate that our community has been so open to the idea and generous in giving.
What keeps you busy when you’re not marathon training?
Since my daughter is only 18 months old, she keeps us busy most of the time! I enjoy being outside as much as possible and love watching the Kentucky Wildcats play on TV!
Do you have a message for our National CMV Foundation community?
I just want to thank everyone for welcoming my family into the CMV community. We have been given so much support throughout our daughters' fight against CMV and we really enjoy reading about your personal stories. We are also more than happy to help out others' families in any way we can, so please contact me if you need somebody to lean on during tough times that your children may be going through. We truly are a community and we hope we can give to the community as much as they have given to us.
Click here to support Matt's Compete 4 CMV fundraiser!
Click here to learn more about Compete 4 CMV and other ways to raise funds for National CMV!
Posted: 10/30/2019
Category: Community