Mother and Child smiling while laying on a bed


Advocating for Newborn CMV Screening through Hospital-Based Initiatives

Author: Maggie Kettler, AuD CMV newborn screening has increased tremendously in the past decade, with many states implementing the screening through legislative efforts. However, CMV screening legislation is not a realistic avenue in all states. In this blog post, we hear from Maggie Kettler, AuD, who has helped to lead successful efforts to increase CMV newborn screening in her home state of Ohio. In this post she discusses successes, challenges, and advice she has for advocates in other states. 

2017 CMV Legislation Proposed in Four States

What do Idaho, Iowa, Oregon, and Maine have in common? These states have proposed state CMV legislation for 2017! Thanks to the hard work of sponsors, parents, physicians, and other advocates within these states, CMV legislation with proposed education and/or screening programs will be evaluated during this legislative session in each individual state. So what's in all of these bills? Check out our blog for summaries and links to bill text and updates. 

​Microcephaly 101

Microcephaly has been making headlines over the last year as potential brain malformation connected to women diagnosed with Zika during pregnancy. However, kids are at risk of being born with microcephaly even in areas of the world not hit by the Zika virus. Many of these cases are caused by cytomegalovirus, or CMV. Unlike Zika, which is only being actively transmitted in a small area of the world, CMV exists virtually everywhere. To reduce these cases, we need to increase awareness of CMV: causes, detection, treatments, etc. 

Remembering Aedan

The tremendous loss that we experience -- as parents and as a community -- when a child sucumbs to the effects of congenital CMV cannot by overstated. We see ourselves in each parent's experience and we extend our love and hope to all children born with CMV, much like we would our own. 

Pregnant and diagnosed with CMV?

​If you have just recently been diagnosed with CMV, it can be an extremely confusing, difficult time--we've been there. Just trying to understand what the doctors are telling you can leave you feeling lost and alone sometimes. National CMV is here to help guide you as you begin this journey, providing information and resources to better understand what comes next.

Europe's response to CMV legislative efforts in the US

As the 2017 legislative session kicks off in states across America, CMV advocates and parents look backwards to reflect on our past successes and lessons learned while looking forward to upcoming bills and initiatives designed to improve CMV education and screening. And we aren't alone. As recent states such as Utah, Illinois, and Connecticut have marked successful passage of CMV statutes, other countries have been taking notice of this new and novel approach to CMV advocacy in the states. 

The (fractured) state of CMV prevention

Most every person within the CMV community knows about CMV prevention—the recommended behaviors, hygienic precautions, etc. But what about the history of CMV prevention as a concept or policy? 

Save babies on #GivingTuesday by donating to National CMV

It’s that time of year again… where friends and families gather together to enjoy the Thanksgiving holiday and then, inevitably, to shop. Whether it’s venturing out to Black Friday with loved ones or shopping Cyber Monday from the comfort of your laptop, shoppers want to save and save big. This holiday season, there’s a new opportunity to save and it’s what National CMV works towards every day of the year—saving babies from CMV.

CMV Stealing Headlines from Zika

2016 saw the rapid rise and total media saturation of the Zika virus. And while the virus itself may not have been everywhere, the media coverage was impossible to miss and it was compelling. 

​CMV Public Health & Policy Conference Roundup - Part Two

Last week saw the conclusion of the 2nd CMV Public Health & Policy Conference in Austin, Texas. As always, organizers sought to engage professionals and parents in the effort to reduce the number of babies born with congenital CMV through public awareness and advocacy efforts nationwide. 

CMV Public Health & Policy Conference Roundup - Part One

This week saw the conclusion of the 2nd CMV Public Health & Policy Conference in Austin, Texas. This conference’s goals were focused around presenting the latest in CMV prevention, diagnostic, and treatment research, while providing information to attendees about early intervention options and other family and professional support resources.