Mother and Child smiling while laying on a bed


Volunteer Spotlight: Shania Hunt

Meet Shania Hunt, our CMV Community Alliance Chair from West Virginia and mother of three.

Volunteer Spotlight: Taylor Gerding

Meet Taylor Gerding, our CMV Community Alliance Chair from Indiana, a pediatric speech-language pathologist and mom to Ava.

Early Career Research Award Update: Dr. Maria Talavera-Barber

Dr. Talavera-Barber, Assistant Professor of Pediatrics at the University of South Dakota Sanford School of Medicine, was a 2019 recipient of a National CMV Foundation Early Career Research Award. In this blog post, she discusses the impact of her research on CMV antibody levels in pregnant women and newborns.

Update: cCMV Nomination for the Recommended Uniform Screening Panel (RUSP)

The most recent update about our nomination for congenital CMV (cCMV) for inclusion on the Recommended Uniform Screening Panel (RUSP) by the Advisory Committee on Heritable Disorders in Newborns and Children (ACHDNC) by Megan Pesch, MD, MS, FAAP, President-Elect National CMV Foundation. 

Newborn Screening and Congenital CMV

Author: Patrick Fleming, M.D. Candidate Early detection of congenital CMV infection in newborns is essential to providing the best possible care. Unfortunately, cCMV is not yet included in universal newborn screening (NBS) programs in the United States. Read more to learn about the history of NBS as it relates to congenital CMV.

Volunteer Spotlight: Alicia Busso

Meet Alicia Busso, our Community Alliance Chair from Missouri. Alicia is an emergency room physician and mother to two daughters, her oldest born with congenital CMV.

Looking Back on 2020: The Year of Pirouettes and Pivots

Last year. 2020. The year that so much changed. 2020 was an unprecedented year that caused many of us to pause suddenly. We paused to think, shift, regroup, realign, and to quite frankly, survive...As 2020 showed us, we are preparing for the best and yes, we can pivot if needed. 

Volunteer Spotlight: Andy Jones

Meet Andy Jones, our Community Alliance Chair from Alabama. Andy is a lawyer by day and when he's not working, he's advocating for CMV education in memory of his son, Ross, and enjoying nature with his wife and two daughters.

Recommended Uniform (Newborn) Screening Panel (RUSP) Update

Author: Dr. Megan Pesch In the fall of 2018, the National CMV Foundation formed a sub-committee including CMV parents, researchers and public health experts, to create a nomination package. The shell of the application was submitted, however additional data was requested by the Committee. Read more to learn about our application's status.

Announcing Our 2021 President-Elect and Board of Directors

We are pleased to announce our Officers and Board of Directors for 2021. The Board members represent a wide range of backgrounds and experiences that reflect the diversity of our community. Our leadership team is well-positioned to implement our mission and vision.